Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by Ibn Saad is an Android application that contains an important and usefu...
Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by Ibn Saad is an Android application that contains an important and useful book for all Muslims in the field of biographies and biographiesThe Great Book of Tabaqat by Muhammad bin Saad bin Mani` al-Basri al-Zuhri, famous for Ibn Saad, is one of the most important books that were written on the layers and biographies of men, and only the “Book of Tabaqat” by his sheikh al-Waqidi preceded him in this subject, except that the book of al-Waqidi did not reach us, and it is said that Ibn Saad reported much of it.The Great Book of Tabaqat is considered a reference in the Prophet’s biography, biographies, and histories, in which his compiler dealt with the Purified Biography of the Prophet, exposing those who were giving fatwas in Medina, and collecting the Noble Qur’an, then he presented translations of the Companions and those after them among the followers and some jurists and scholars. Among the methodology of the compiler in the book is that he mentions the name of the knowledge translated for him, his lineage, his conversion to Islam, his exploits, and what was mentioned in his bounty in a lengthy translation. 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